Summer Ender Tournament

We will be entering an 18+ and a 35+ team in the Summer Ender 7v7 Tournament at Roots Athletics in Westfield, MA on Sunday 8/21. Please register below to secure your spot. There will be at least three games guaranteed.  We anticipate a schedule being released by...

PVLL 2022

Please find registration for the 18+ Franklin County Lacrosse Club (FCLC) team that plays in the Pioneer Valley Lacrosse League posted below.  FCLC has been in the PVLL for over 30 years with some current team members competing for over 20 years. Games are for players...

Summer 2022 Supplemental Evals

Oaks Lacrosse will offer a series of evaluations for the remaining spaces on our Summer Travel Teams. Evals will take place: Roots Athletics Westfield, MA Saturday 6/4 3-5pm – Boys Only Southern VT College Bennington, VT 6/5 4-6pm – Boys Only Prairie...

Knock the Rust Off Pre-Season

New England Oaks will offer our Knock the Rust Off Pre-Season Training Series once again this February and March Leading up to the Spring Season.  Dates times and locations are as follows: Northampton, MA Boys Wednesdays 7-8:30pm Allsport Arena 2/23, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16...

Winter Box Training

New England Oaks will hold  Winter Box Training in January and February in Northampton and Pittsfield, MA. Sessions take place: -Wednesdays 1/5- 2/9 at Allsport Arena 54 Old Ferry Road in Northampton 6-7:30pm. -Thursdays 1/6-2/10 at the Infield 10 Lyman St in...

Winter Girls Training

Oaks Lacrosse will offer Winter Training for girls in grades 8 and above this coming February and March to prepare for the Spring Season! Sessions will all be at the Shelburne Fieldhouse 166 Athletic Drive in Shelburne, VT. Register online via the form below. Winter...