We will be entering an 18+ and a 35+ team in the Summer Ender 7v7 Tournament at Roots Athletics in Westfield, MA on Sunday 8/21. Please register below to secure your spot.

There will be at least three games guaranteed.  We anticipate a schedule being released by Wednesday 8/17.  35+ will take place in the morning and 18+ will take place in the morning and early afternoon.  If you have additional questions, please contact Charlie Edwards at 413-883-9146 or cyedwards@gmail.com


18+ Registration Form

  • Please list at least 3 numbers in order of preference
  • Please hit Submit to complete your order. If you have selected the Check Payment option, you will be redirected to PayPal, at which time your order is complete. Please send a check to: Oaks Athletics 48 Taylor Hill Road Montague MA 01351 You will receive a confirmation email with additional info from Charlie Edwards.