Oaks Lacrosse will offer Pre-Season Training for boys in grades 7-12 this March to prepare for the Spring Season! Sessions will take place over the next two weeks in both Northern Vermont and Western Massachusetts.

Norther Vermont Sessions

UVM Indoor Turf – 97 Spear St Burlington VT

Sunday 3/12 2:30-4pm

Saturday 3/18 4-6pm

Western Mass Sessions 

Allsport Arena – 54 Old Ferry Road Northampton, MA

Wednesdays 3/ 8 & 3/15 7-9pm

Knock the Rust Off Sessions will be skill and concept based training to focus on stacking the fundamentals required to contribute to your team this Spring.  There will be both individual skill and small group concepts involved in each session.

Summer Club Evaluation

Players interested in evaluation for Summer Club Competition, please notify our staff so that we can include you in communication regarding those teams.

Winter Box Registration

  • Please hit Submit to complete your order. Credit Card payers please pay via Paypal where you will be redirected. Cash/Check payers your order is complete once you are directed to PayPal. (You may close the window/tab) Please send a check to: Oaks Athletics LLC 48 Taylor Hill Road Montague MA 01301 Venmo payers you may close the window once directed to PayPal. Please pay @oakslax on Venmo and indicate the team option selected above and the player name to ensure your account is credited.